Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Daily Mojovation

If you know me or frequent this site you know I'm all about enjoying the moment so you won't catch me bashing a Wednesday. I've learned through living that NOTHING is promised not relationships, not LOVE, not TOMORROW, well GOD and that's about it. Its so important that we get to a point where Wednesday's in October as just as amazing to us as the Friday that kicks of Memorial Day weekend. Just because its not a day that you would typically party doesn't mean you can't enjoy it & it sure as heck doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate it. We have to be just as excited about waking up Wednesday 9/29/10 as we will be the next time we get paid or the next day we have off of work or whatever day your pumped about!

My wife lost a good friend this week I want to extend my deepest & most sincere condolences to the Lojak family our prayers are with you.

That being said we all need to realize how important each day is. Please do your best to enjoy & appreciate the days you do get to see.

As you go on about your days journey take time to tell someone you love them & take these words with you as you go!
Dance like no one is watching, love like you'll never be hurt,sing like no one is listening,and live like it's heaven on earth."- William Purkey

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