Monday, September 13, 2010

*Breaking News*

This news is not breaking at all to be honest but if you follow me on twitter @therealbmw412 then you would already be ware of said news. Yes Team Walker's captain & team leader is on the PUP lists (football talk for Phyically unable to Perform & when I say perform I mean GO TO WORK!). So yes folks I'm feeling under the weather today & I was most of yesterday as well. Much love to Team Walker's Co-Captain Mrs BMW she stepped in made food for the fam & even helped entertain a guest! Yes my brother from another mother Dave came through to watch the Steeler game & break bread. Mrs BMW did her THING too! Greens baked Mac n Cheese fried chicken! I was very pleased to say the least!

So I posted a status on FB asking what I should do to kill my cold. I had already tried hot tea with lemon & honey it wasn't working. I didn't want to take any real deal cold meds because I wanted to enjoy my day SOMEWHAT & not be a zombie or sleep. Its not often I get to hang out with the homey Dave. So anyway people said take sudafed or add a shot of whiskey to my tea all the usual stuff. Then one person said "take 3 500mg tabs of Vitamin C" now I had heard about this one before but had never tried it...I couldn't get to the store at that time so I took old faithful "Comtrex Cold & Flu" #EPICFAIL!!!!! didn't work at all. So I didn't get much sleep had to call off work & when Mrs BMW got home the graveyard shift (yeah we ain't rich we still grindin over here!) when dropped off 3 of the kids to school & Mrs BMW, BMW & Baby Bari went to Walmart & Breakfast. The Walmart trip could prove to be life changing for my son Jabari but we won't get into that now. So we get the meds & other stuff head over to Eat N Park & attack the breakfast buffet like savages...I tapped rout 75% of the way through my first plate SMH! At least Mrs BMW went an got another plate of fruit me & Bari were slouched over in the booth fightin back the sleep demons & sippin slow on the chocolate milk & oj! (no not mixted together EWWW WTH??) So at that point I had taken 1 1000mg tab of the Vitamin C. I texted my friend & he said overload on it so I took like 2 more. All it did was put me to I am...nose running not sneezing to much but my head is in a fog. My throat...its not hurting right now...hmmm maybe I am getting better..anyway if I do...I'll let you guys know if not...I'm suing everyone who has ever suggested this BS remedy...and while I'm on the topic...HOW THE EFF can we put a man on the moon, make cell phones that can start cars or turn on thermostats from 1,000 miles away but we have no cure for the common cold? Forget the lack of you continue your days journey take this with you as you go

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990

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