Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ham & Apple Juice Anyone? With a little Roach on the side?

So there is a bar down the hill from my house called Rocco's now I don't know exactly when I started going there or when it officially opened, but a few months ago my wife & I fell in love with the Friday Night Flow. The drinks aren't expensive the bartenders & bouncers are crazy friendly & that is where we met YOUNG ROACH! aka Jordan York. Easily one of the funniest people you'll EVER meet & his Mixed Drink Making game is ON POINT! Ask for that Jim Beam with a SPLASH of Ginger Ale (thank me later). So through twitter,  Rocco's & youtube I've discovered that Young Roach is a Comedic Rapper, one of the most entertaining I have ever come across. Check out his Youtube Channel or go & download his new mixtape Ham & Apple Juice. Much love to Young Roach & his imprint Zu Ken Records
Contact Young Roach via FacebookMyspace or check out more of his music ReVerbnation

I just remembered my wife is singing in this video as well. KILLING the lost art of Karaoke! *Mr Miyagi voice" lol!

Youtube, Midgets & Hip Hop

If you haven't already you have to check out my boy Michael Warbux's youtube channel. This is just a sample of the pure comedy this guy displays. Not every vlog he posts is of the comedic variety I won't waste your life telling you everything he does just watch that video then subscribe,rate,comment & feel free to stalk him lol! 

To Protect & Serve?

Jordan Miles After his Encounter with Pittsburgh Police In January 2010

Check out the link above. It’s a story that has first came out in January of this year I believe. While I will be honest I WAS NOT THERE! I can't confirm or deny anything that was said or done. To be honest based on those facts I probably should just post the story & leave it alone. But you already know I have to weigh in! Basically Jordan Miles a young African American male walking through one of Pittsburgh worst neighborhoods (Homewood) at night was stopped by police who were in plain clothes in an unmarked car. Oh! There were 3 of them. So lets recap this
-Young Black Male
-Late Night
-They were In an UNMARKED CAR (see more after the jump)


Hey whats good!
Its late & I should already be sleep but I wanted to get this thing going tonight while I still had the motivation. This is where you can come to read my thoughts on various topics from Sports to Marriage, from Healthcare to Politics & everything in between. I'm a married father of 4 I'm 25 and I LOVE MY LIFE. I am a christian I pray as much as possible & I do my best to walk the right path but as you WILL see if you don't already know me. God ain't through with me yet! lol I won't be putting my life story up here just a few blurbs consider this a happy medium between my tweets & vlogs. Oh by the way "HIT ME ON TWITTA!" *Mista Fab Voice*. Feel free to leave comments debate discuss whatever you want to do. If I state something factually INCORRECT feel free to school me. I'm not to good that I can't be wrong though I hardly ever am HA! Bookmark the page & come back OFTEN! I'm going to do my best to post here daily if not a few times a day.